Hi, my name is Kristen. I am a full-time soldier for Jesus Christ trying to navigate this life. He designed me with a love for animals and a joy for video production. I have a background in animal care and have a special interest in wildlife rehab and avian care. Along with this, I also have a background in church, corporate, and studio video production. I also enjoy a little photography from time to time, as you can see with the photos on my site. When I am not working, I like to spend time with Father’s animals and nature, or daydream of things — such as the new earth that He is going to make.

I never knew a book was part of the plan for me, but no matter what I find myself doing as I navigate the waters of this life, I want everyone to know Jesus Christ is real, to trust in Him, and to know our final destination is ahead.

Thank you for taking your time to read my book. I truly hope it encourages you as the day draws near. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

— Kristen

P.S. With everything going on right now, I believe that we must seek Jesus Christ with everything we are because He is the only Truth. We must choose Jesus no matter what. Jesus is Healer not man, Provider not our workplaces, and Protector not the leaders of this world. Jesus paid it all, so all to Him we owe. Anything the world tries to call messiah including medical treatments, and it is not Jesus Christ Himself, run from it.

I Believe

I believe that this world and our realities are not what we always thought they were. That most things we were told were a lie and a deception. I believe we are in the midst of a war, that all this time we have been in war and will continue to be in war until Jesus comes again. I also believe that now is the time to look up at the sky because there is a chance of rain and the sky rolling up like a scroll! (Ephesians 6:10-17, Revelation 6:14)

I believe Father (the Creator of Heaven and Earth) is the only God and that if He decided to gather to Himself His Spirit and His breath, that all flesh would perish. He is the reason we all exist. (Colossians 1:16, Isaiah 45:5, Job 34:14-15, Revelation 4:11)

I believe we were separated from Father when Adam and Eve fell, and that we needed help to be reconciled to Him. So, Father sent the true Jesus Christ (His Son) to earth to help us, and He died in our place. (People use lots of different names for Him, and I have asked Him about this and until He tells me otherwise, I will still call Him Jesus. According to the Strong’s Concordance His Name in Hebrew is Yᵊhôšûa, strong’s H3091, H3068). Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died on the tree for us, and Father raised Him from the grave on the third day. Jesus Christ has the keys! Jesus is the only One who can forgive us and just like He says, He is the only way to Father. I say that Jesus Christ is the Messiah just like Peter did. Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is King. Jesus Christ is my King. There is only Jesus Christ, there is no other. He is the only way things will ever be fixed in this world, because He can change the hearts of men. Jesus is also the only way out of hell. Jesus will come again soon and one day all things will be restored. (Genesis 3, Romans 5:10, John 3:16, 1 John 4:2, Romans 10:9, Revelation 1:18, Acts 4:11-12, John 14:6, Matthew 16:16, John 1:18, Revelation 17:14, Isaiah 45:21, Romans 10:9, Psalm 51:10, Ezekiel 36:26, Revelation 22:7, Acts 3:20-21)

I believe in the Spirit that is greater in me than the one who is in the world. The Holy Spirit is invaluable to me, and I am always talking to Him, asking for His guidance, and asking Him to open my eyes to see what all is going on. He is our Helper and Promised Spirit, the down payment for what is to come. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. (1 John 4:4, John 14:16, Galatians 3:14, 2 Corinthians 5:5, John 16:13)

I believe the secret to this life is the Word. It is living and active just like He says it is, and reading it every day is essential, like taking your morning supplements. It makes us stronger and keeps us healthy, and since Jesus Christ is the Word, then ultimately He is the secret to life — a purposed filled, hope-filled life, no matter what happens in this current world. (Hebrews 4:12, John 1:1, John 1:14)
