It can be hard to know what to say as we look around and see what all is happening. There is no doubt that we are in the end of time here on this current earth. Our enemy who runs his kingdom under the dome (Amos 9:6 NASB), is implementing all the agendas for our demise, but we must not forget that Jesus Christ is going to take care of all of this. It may look like we are losing, but how can we lose when we already won? The pain and sorrow it is real and it is hard to think that there will actually be a time where we will not feel this again and that it will all be okay. But He says so, so we must believe so (Revelation 21:4). All we can do is know that there are many others of us all around the world trying to hang in there and make it Home to Jesus Christ (1 Peter 5:9). We have to keep our eyes on Him, no matter what we see here, and try our best to obey Him.

Things will continue on as awful and get more awful, but we have to hang in there. These are our last moments on this current earth, let us rise up bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1) and try to pull as many people out of the pit/fire as we can (Jude 1:22-23), finish all the assignments He has for us, and also encourage our brother and sister soldiers as we come to the end of this war (Hebrews 3:13). In case anyone needs to be reminded, the war does end (there is relief coming) and ends when our Commander Jesus Christ comes with His army behind Him. His eyes flame of fire and out of His mouth a sharp sword. He throws our enemy into the lake of fire and the remnant will be slain with His sword that comes from His mouth (Revelation 19). What does it say, on His thigh, it says what? He is the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:16). Come LORD JESUS CHRIST, You ARE HE the KING! (Revelation 22:20). Don’t give up or give way brothers and sisters, look to the sky because our Redemption is coming (Luke 21:28), HE is coming! Blessed be the NAME of JESUS CHRIST, the ALMIGHTY!
