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Words of Encouragement

It can be hard to know what to say as we look around and see what all is happening. There is no doubt that we are in the end of time here on this current earth. Our enemy who runs his kingdom under the dome (Amos 9:6 NASB), is implementing all the agendas for our demise, but we must not forget that Jesus Christ is going to take care of all of this. It may look like we are losing, but how can we lose when we already won? The pain and sorrow it is real and it is hard to think that there will actually be a time where we will not feel this again and that it will all be okay. But He says so, so we must believe so (Revelation 21:4). All we can do is know that there are many others of us all around the world trying to hang in there and make it Home to Jesus Christ (1 Peter 5:9). We have to keep our eyes on Him, no matter what we see here, and try our best to obey Him.

Things will continue on as awful and get more awful, but we have to hang in there. These are our last moments on this current earth, let us rise up bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1) and try to pull as many people out of the pit/fire as we can (Jude 1:22-23), finish all the assignments He has for us, and also encourage our brother and sister soldiers as we come to the end of this war (Hebrews 3:13). In case anyone needs to be reminded, the war does end (there is relief coming) and ends when our Commander Jesus Christ comes with His army behind Him. His eyes flame of fire and out of His mouth a sharp sword. He throws our enemy into the lake of fire and the remnant will be slain with His sword that comes from His mouth (Revelation 19). What does it say, on His thigh, it says what? He is the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:16). Come LORD JESUS CHRIST, You ARE HE the KING! (Revelation 22:20). Don’t give up or give way brothers and sisters, look to the sky because our Redemption is coming (Luke 21:28), HE is coming! Blessed be the NAME of JESUS CHRIST, the ALMIGHTY!

Unsure of Jesus Christ? Time is Running out. Be Sure.

*This writing is a different one from chapter 38 in Steady the Ship book called “Those Unsure of Jesus”.

Have you ever noticed how the world has us chasing things that just distract us from the fact that this life is short, things that never fulfill us, and things that do nothing for us when we die? The things of this world are rubbish, and the state of this world will only continue to get worse as we near the end of this current world. Maybe you have never heard of this, but this current world will not continue on forever. It does have an end. (Revelation)

This world is lying about everything. The world is keeping truth from all of us about lots of things. Look how you can mention any person of any religion, except Jesus, and everything is fine. Have you noticed how upset people get when you mention Jesus? Look at how the only time it is okay to mention Jesus is when someone is using His name as a cuss word. Why is that? Because He is the Truth they are hiding from you (John 14:6). This world is at war with Him in plain sight, but they lie and say He doesn’t exist. Why so much effort to silence any talk about Him, why the effort in the lying that He doesn’t exist?

We are getting close to the end of this current world, where all of us will be on the other side of this life. We do not have much time left and those who are unsure of Jesus do not have time to wait anymore. The moment when we all are on the other side, we will see Him. All of us. He is real and He is coming back soon with His army to finish this war! (Revelation 19). The truth is that there is a God the only God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth (Isaiah 45:18). This world was not poofed into existence but was very intelligently and creatively designed by Him. He also created you and breathed breath inside of you, so you could be breathing today (Genesis 2:7). All of us have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), meaning we all have sinned (messed up, missed the mark) and deserve to go to hell, but He loves us all so much that He made a way so we don’t have to go to hell and this way is through Jesus Christ who is God’s only Son. Jesus came here to earth in the flesh, born through a virgin. He grew up, taught, and did miracles. He was wrongly accused, beaten, mocked, and murdered. He could have stopped that from happening but He allowed it and suffered, to take our place so we wouldn’t have to go to hell. It is a free gift to us, if we will take it. He will save you from hell if you let Him. (John 3:16, Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew 27)

If you are unsure if He is real, the best thing to do is to read His words. Read the Bible for 30 days consecutively and ask God to show you if He is real. If you are unsure if He is the Only way to eternal life, ask Him to show you (John 14:6). He says that if You seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Try it and see.

There is a reason that those of us that follow Him are so adamant with telling you about Him. Have you ever thought about that. Has it ever seemed that maybe people who follow Jesus know something that others don’t and they are desperately trying to tell what they know? Why do we live, breathe, and eat to follow after Jesus? We sought and found the Truth. He tells us the truth sets us free (John 8:32). We want you to be free too.

The Bible says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). Confess, believe and follow Him. You can’t just confess and believe and then not follow. Read His words (the Bible), every day, and talk to Him all day every day, it is imperative.

Right now in this current world (I say current because Jesus says He will create a new one, Revelation 21:1), we see good and evil both in the world. Or another way of looking at it, is that we see both Heaven and hell in this earth. After this earth, there will not be both in the place that we go, there are only 2 places – Heaven or hell. It will either be completely good, or completely evil. Hell is the complete separation from Good, from God. Hell is where a person perishes. Jesus is the only way out of hell. The only way out of the mess that is going on in the world. The only way out of the pain. The only way out of the sorrow. The only way out of the confusion. The only way out of the fear. The only way out of the suck. He is the ONLY way period. He wants to be with you. He loves those who love Him (Proverbs 8:17). He will save you from hell if you let Him.

If you are unsure of Jesus Christ, the solution is this – Seek Him with your whole heart and you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Time is running out!

Behind the Writing (Ch. 41 Epic God)

I had in mind that I wanted to write something epic about Father. Something to show that He is the best and that there is no Other. I told the Holy Spirit I needed help to write this and that it had to be epic because Father is Epic. I also told the Holy Spirit that I needed a guy to help me write this chapter, because I was going to include references from movies and superhero characters, and I am not a movie or superhero character type person. Sometimes we think we need different things when really all we need is the Holy Spirit. He didn’t send anyone to help me write it, but He Himself helped me write it and it is evident. There are about 55 mentions of different movies or characters. My copyright attorney graciously helped me figure out how to mention them.

Excerpt – Ch. 41 Epic God, Page 190

In the end there will be no suspense, just like in most movies the good Guy will win. He told us He would, you can read it in Revelation.* So why is the enemy trying to deceive and recruit? I am not so sure, because the Word says it is the great day of the Lord,* not of the liar.

Jesus, the greatest hero there can be, He and His army of horses and angels are the real Justice League.* They will defeat the dragon and throw him into the fire because of who all he deceived.* Those who are against Jesus will pay the penalty of eternal destruction*; Love they will no longer see, ………


What to Read First

For my book, I always suggest reading the last three chapters first (Ch. 40-42). These chapters are my favorite and very much written with the help of the Holy Spirit. They are so neat and worth reading over again.

Other things to read first would be the post “Superscripts” and “Bible Versions” on this website, to understand the reasons behind the why I did certain things in my book. The writing before Chapter one called “To the Reader” is also a good one to read before starting the book. This writing sets up the whole book and is also used in the trailer.

To recap, I would recommend reading chapters 40,41,42, and then the writing “To the Reader” that is before chapter one. Then also check out the post “Superscripts” and “Bible Versions”.

Audio Book

After listening to, debating, and praying about the auditions for my audio book that my publisher had set up, I decided to go with a gentleman named Craig Roberts. He does such a good job at bringing my book to life and expressing my words the way I intended for them to be. I think Mr. Roberts’ voice was a gift to Him from Jesus. It was and is neat to hear my words read by another. I hope they encourage you no matter where you are in this journey of life. The most important thing is where we end up at the end of our journey. The best place is with Jesus.

You can find my audio book and also listen to a sample on Audible through Amazon. Or, listen to a sample below.

Bible Versions

When I was first putting my book together, I didn’t really understand the differences in all the Bible versions or that there are copyright guidelines to even quote the Bible in a book. I wanted to use one version of the Bible for all the references and quotes in my book but learned because of the nature of my writing using so many references, that I couldn’t do that. Because of this I had to use multiple versions of the Bible. This was hard to figure out and if I had to do it over again, I would do it a little differently knowing what I know now. In this book I use the NASB, HCSB, CSB, and the KJV versions. I decided on these versions either because it was the version I had been reading or after researching I found that some versions are stated to be closer to word for word from the original text, for example like it is stated about the NASB.

There are lots of opinions and talks on which Bible version we should be reading and talks on what is wrong with all the other versions. Most say that the KJV is the only one we should be reading. However, I have also heard people talk about how the KJV is not good and have even heard people say we shouldn’t be reading any of the Bible versions because they all have been corrupted. I know for myself I am not okay with reading the Message Bible or anything like it because Father tells us that our thoughts are not His and our ways are not His. (Isaiah 55:8) So our interpretation and thoughts of what we think He is saying could be way off. Regardless of the versions I ended up using for the references in this book, I know that Father will use it how He wants. His strength is perfect in my weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

I also know that this current world is full of deception, and it is hard sometimes to know what the truth is about certain things. Because of this I am going to keep doing what I do with all other topics and keep asking the Holy Spirit what is truth and what to do. I will keep reading the Bible every day until He tells me not to. Currently I am reading, listening to, and doing any researching in the NASB and the KJV and using the Strong’s Concordance.

Until next time,

— Kristen

Everything Going On in the World

In a world where the standard is deception, the best advice anyone can give is to seek Jesus with everything we are and to ask the Holy Spirit to give us discernment and wisdom with everything that is going on. When the disciples asked what would be the signs of the end times, Jesus said to watch out that we are not deceived. Luke 21:7-8

I do believe that we are now at the end of this current world and that most things we have known to be true are not and are being revealed to us. This includes anything from how the earth operates, the nature of medicine (Strongs G5331, G5332) and illnesses, pagan holidays (including Easter and Christmas), and the nature of politics and media. This world is ran by the enemy who is a liar. 1 John 5:19, John 8:44 We must all take everything to Jesus and ask Him what is going on, research and ask Him what is truth and what we should do, because the world is lying and tricking us. We also should run from anything the world calls the messiah and savior when they are not referring to Jesus Christ, including medical treatments that are given these blasphemy titles from the world. Only Jesus is the Messiah and Savior, there is no other. Jesus is our Healer not man, Jesus is our Provider not our workplaces, and Jesus is our Protector not the world. These last few years have been eye opening and I urge everyone along with me to keep asking the Holy Spirit for discernment and wisdom. For Jesus to keep opening our eyes to all the things going on, and to help us come out of Babylon.

Jesus says narrow is the way and few find it. Matthew 7:14 We have to seek Jesus every day with a repentant heart and give our life completely to Him, and ask Him to help us find the narrow way, becaue that is the way Home. Jesus is the only way out of all this going on and Jesus is the only way out of Hell. John 14:6 The enemy enslaves and that is the sum of what is going on right now in our current world and it will only get worse. However, Jesus came to set us free and Jesus already is the King. If you haven’t given your life to Him, you should. It is a matter of life and death. This current world will be over soon and the only thing left will be death or eternal life with Jesus Christ. We can’t give up our eternal life in exchange for a short moment left on this earth.

Romans 10:9 Matthew 16:24-27 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 John 3:16 John 14:18-27

I proclaim Jesus Christ You are Holy and Worthy. Jesus Christ You came to us in the flesh and took our place and paid our debt on the tree. Jesus Christ You Are alive and have the keys. Jesus Christ You Are the only Way. Jesus Christ You are the Messiah, the Savior, the King. I bless Your Name. I honor Your Name. I choose You Jesus Christ.

Until next time,

— Kristen

The Two Lines

There are a few writings at the end of the book that are not in the form of a letter. One of these being The Two Lines. One day I had the thought of the story for The Two Lines, as if the Holy Spirit gave it to me, like a download. So, I went and typed it out. It is my favorite for a few reasons. It explains so much about this life and the life of those pleading for people to be reconciled to God. How the world is deceptive and tries to keep the truth hidden. How the world is the broad path. How people without the Truth can be so angry, can mock, and have no idea where the path they are on, leads. How Jesus is life. I love that the sound of the bird appears again after the character chooses the narrow path. I also love the name of the ships and think they are the perfect descriptions.

For a while, I would try to identify with the character standing in line, who is trying to figure out the path they are on and figure out the people who on the other path. Then one day I realized I was one of the characters on the other side, trying to tell people that Jesus is life and He can save them. The fact is, that all of us that are employed by Father, we are those people trying to tell others that the time is near and that Jesus is the Way.

Even after reading this writing the many many times I have, sometimes it will still make me tear up. I think it is because it helps remind me and helps me see clearly what He did for us.

Titus 2:11-14 NASB – For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds.

Until next time,

— Kristen

Behind the Writing (Superscripts and References)

Being a new author, there were many, many things I did not know that I had to research, learn, or simply figure out. Some of the these include: copyright guidelines for using Bible verses, different ways of quoting verses, and how to reference them.

The use of the superscripts came by way of trying to figure out how to give reference where it is due, and simply because I wanted the reader to know where my thoughts were coming from. I could have written out the whole verse every time I wanted to mention it, or even just wrote the chapter and verse, but because of the nature of my writing this wouldn’t work. I also couldn’t list all the verses I reference on the verse page, so I had to figure out something. The least disruptive option was a superscript, so a superscript it was. They are not meant for the reader to stop every time there is one and look up the reference in the back of the book, but rather they are there if you ever want the reference, and also to give credit.

For the references in the back of the book that are not from the Bible- I wanted to use references from places that seek Jesus. This is a hard thing to do. My intent is to honor Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit the best I can even with the references I use. I finally came across Answers in Genesis and thought this site would be better to use than others. So, that is why a lot of references come from that site. (I want to note that I recently saw where Answers in Genesis is going to build a replica of the tower of babel. Please know that personally I do not think this is a good idea. I don’t think we should rebuild things that Father destroyed and that did not honor Him).

Until next time,

— Kristen


Hi. Thank you for visiting my site. I appreciate your time looking through my pages. This section called “Notes & Thoughts” where you found this post, might have some new info from time to time. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the trailer as well. I do not use social media, which I know is unusual, so if you have any questions, anything you want to comment about, or need encouragement please feel free to reach out through the contact form.

I want to mention that there is another author out there under Kristen Michelle, which isn’t abnormal… I just wanted to let you know that I only have one book as of now and it is all about Jesus.

(I also wanted to note, that it seems this website is better to view on a computer/laptop)

Until next time,

— Kristen
