Being a new author, there were many, many things I did not know that I had to research, learn, or simply figure out. Some of the these include: copyright guidelines for using Bible verses, different ways of quoting verses, and how to reference them.

The use of the superscripts came by way of trying to figure out how to give reference where it is due, and simply because I wanted the reader to know where my thoughts were coming from. I could have written out the whole verse every time I wanted to mention it, or even just wrote the chapter and verse, but because of the nature of my writing this wouldn’t work. I also couldn’t list all the verses I reference on the verse page, so I had to figure out something. The least disruptive option was a superscript, so a superscript it was. They are not meant for the reader to stop every time there is one and look up the reference in the back of the book, but rather they are there if you ever want the reference, and also to give credit.

For the references in the back of the book that are not from the Bible- I wanted to use references from places that seek Jesus. This is a hard thing to do. My intent is to honor Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit the best I can even with the references I use. I finally came across Answers in Genesis and thought this site would be better to use than others. So, that is why a lot of references come from that site. (I want to note that I recently saw where Answers in Genesis is going to build a replica of the tower of babel. Please know that personally I do not think this is a good idea. I don’t think we should rebuild things that Father destroyed and that did not honor Him).

Until next time,

— Kristen
