I had in mind that I wanted to write something epic about Father. Something to show that He is the best and that there is no Other. I told the Holy Spirit I needed help to write this and that it had to be epic because Father is Epic. I also told the Holy Spirit that I needed a guy to help me write this chapter, because I was going to include references from movies and superhero characters, and I am not a movie or superhero character type person. Sometimes we think we need different things when really all we need is the Holy Spirit. He didn’t send anyone to help me write it, but He Himself helped me write it and it is evident. There are about 55 mentions of different movies or characters. My copyright attorney graciously helped me figure out how to mention them.

Excerpt – Ch. 41 Epic God, Page 190

In the end there will be no suspense, just like in most movies the good Guy will win. He told us He would, you can read it in Revelation.* So why is the enemy trying to deceive and recruit? I am not so sure, because the Word says it is the great day of the Lord,* not of the liar.

Jesus, the greatest hero there can be, He and His army of horses and angels are the real Justice League.* They will defeat the dragon and throw him into the fire because of who all he deceived.* Those who are against Jesus will pay the penalty of eternal destruction*; Love they will no longer see, ………

