In a world where the standard is deception, the best advice anyone can give is to seek Jesus with everything we are and to ask the Holy Spirit to give us discernment and wisdom with everything that is going on. When the disciples asked what would be the signs of the end times, Jesus said to watch out that we are not deceived. Luke 21:7-8

I do believe that we are now at the end of this current world and that most things we have known to be true are not and are being revealed to us. This includes anything from how the earth operates, the nature of medicine (Strongs G5331, G5332) and illnesses, pagan holidays (including Easter and Christmas), and the nature of politics and media. This world is ran by the enemy who is a liar. 1 John 5:19, John 8:44 We must all take everything to Jesus and ask Him what is going on, research and ask Him what is truth and what we should do, because the world is lying and tricking us. We also should run from anything the world calls the messiah and savior when they are not referring to Jesus Christ, including medical treatments that are given these blasphemy titles from the world. Only Jesus is the Messiah and Savior, there is no other. Jesus is our Healer not man, Jesus is our Provider not our workplaces, and Jesus is our Protector not the world. These last few years have been eye opening and I urge everyone along with me to keep asking the Holy Spirit for discernment and wisdom. For Jesus to keep opening our eyes to all the things going on, and to help us come out of Babylon.

Jesus says narrow is the way and few find it. Matthew 7:14 We have to seek Jesus every day with a repentant heart and give our life completely to Him, and ask Him to help us find the narrow way, becaue that is the way Home. Jesus is the only way out of all this going on and Jesus is the only way out of Hell. John 14:6 The enemy enslaves and that is the sum of what is going on right now in our current world and it will only get worse. However, Jesus came to set us free and Jesus already is the King. If you haven’t given your life to Him, you should. It is a matter of life and death. This current world will be over soon and the only thing left will be death or eternal life with Jesus Christ. We can’t give up our eternal life in exchange for a short moment left on this earth.

Romans 10:9 Matthew 16:24-27 2 Corinthians 5:20-21 John 3:16 John 14:18-27

I proclaim Jesus Christ You are Holy and Worthy. Jesus Christ You came to us in the flesh and took our place and paid our debt on the tree. Jesus Christ You Are alive and have the keys. Jesus Christ You Are the only Way. Jesus Christ You are the Messiah, the Savior, the King. I bless Your Name. I honor Your Name. I choose You Jesus Christ.

Until next time,

— Kristen
