When I was first putting my book together, I didn’t really understand the differences in all the Bible versions or that there are copyright guidelines to even quote the Bible in a book. I wanted to use one version of the Bible for all the references and quotes in my book but learned because of the nature of my writing using so many references, that I couldn’t do that. Because of this I had to use multiple versions of the Bible. This was hard to figure out and if I had to do it over again, I would do it a little differently knowing what I know now. In this book I use the NASB, HCSB, CSB, and the KJV versions. I decided on these versions either because it was the version I had been reading or after researching I found that some versions are stated to be closer to word for word from the original text, for example like it is stated about the NASB.

There are lots of opinions and talks on which Bible version we should be reading and talks on what is wrong with all the other versions. Most say that the KJV is the only one we should be reading. However, I have also heard people talk about how the KJV is not good and have even heard people say we shouldn’t be reading any of the Bible versions because they all have been corrupted. I know for myself I am not okay with reading the Message Bible or anything like it because Father tells us that our thoughts are not His and our ways are not His. (Isaiah 55:8) So our interpretation and thoughts of what we think He is saying could be way off. Regardless of the versions I ended up using for the references in this book, I know that Father will use it how He wants. His strength is perfect in my weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

I also know that this current world is full of deception, and it is hard sometimes to know what the truth is about certain things. Because of this I am going to keep doing what I do with all other topics and keep asking the Holy Spirit what is truth and what to do. I will keep reading the Bible every day until He tells me not to. Currently I am reading, listening to, and doing any researching in the NASB and the KJV and using the Strong’s Concordance.

Until next time,

— Kristen
